Friday, August 20, 2010

Could Arthur Scargill do better- I think not?

Finally through some very protracted and hard bargaining over several minutes with my supermarket store manager, he has hammered out my new performance related wage and job title settlement. I believe it is a triumph for the individual over the block vote mentality of the misguided herd who choose union representation. From Monday, I may choose (From Millets) a uniform that suitably reflect my status as Senior Car Park Executive Officer (SCPEO) which will be at my own expense but will be dry cleaned for free along with the staff overalls. Inflation, which I agreed with the store manager is running currently at 1% of GDP and is the keystone of the nation's economic plan, would bring down the fabric of our English Heritage if breached and fly in the face of Gordon Brown, Therefore I have behoved to waive a pay increase but to embrace certain working patterns which may appear to involve longer hours but in fact reflect my new status. A trial period of six years was agreed unanimously.

Could Arthur Scargill do better- I think not?download


Could Arthur Scargill do better- I think not?hijackthis



millets....You lucky, lucky....B'stard....!

Anyway if you are in a slavesuperdoopermarked make your wages up like I did....get the whoopsie stickers working in YOUR favour!!!!!;-).

P.S scargill was a fanny,I live in a small mining community in Scotland.

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